If you could live your perfect day what would that look and feel like? Have you ever stopped to write it down, and then write down the steps to getting there? What if simply writing 4 things down could help you move toward that day? In this simple exercise you may find that you currently are not living the life you want. That's ok! Finding out is just just the first step, the next is setting up a plan to make it a reality. Here it is in 4 easy steps...
I have a left you a template below to use. This is a glimpse into my life and I'd love for you to give me one into your's. If you like, after writing this down, comment below and share with me. MY PERFECT DAYMy perfect day would start off waking up with the sun, next to my wife and looking out the windows to a beautiful landscape and scenery that would inspire me to start my day. After my time of self reflection and meditation I would then join my family for breakfast. After that, we go on a walk around our property that's beautiful and has so many fun things to do and play on. Other Veterans would come and go to our property throughout the day to hang out, or work, or work out and get whatever they need for the day gathering around friends. No one knocking just coming and going as they please spending time and sharing their lives with one another. Ending the day with a feast for all, then quality time with my family. MY PERFECT DAY TIMELINE5-6 self reflection, goals, meditation, gratitude journal 6-7 knock out the most important thing of the day 7-9 teach BASE Camp classes for Vets/supporters who get it, and give their best every workout 9-3 getting Veterans the help they need from the right people in order for them to make a successful transition out of the military 3-7 teach BASE Camp classes for Vets/supporters who get it, and give their best every workout 7-8 eat dinner with family/friends 8-9 spend quality/alone time with family 9-10 review day, prep for tomorrow 10-5 sleep MY 1 BIG LIFE GOALTo build a Veteran Resource Center in every major city in the US by May 11, 2025(my 39th bday) MY GOALS FOR 2015